A complete supply chain includes the whole procedure of corresponding raw material, intermediate products, and final products. Except for the consumers and raw material providers, everyone in this procedure is both a buyer and a seller, and they are all eager to find an upstream seller whose product meets the demands and is the least expensive. However, without strait supervision of this market, the sellers tend to report fake qualities and quantities of their products for more buyers, and small-scale sellers may find it hard to be in a stable market even if they possess cost-effective products. We want to change this situation via block-chain.
We developed a commodity demonstration and rating platform, named Trade & Trust (T&T), which is based on the block-chain normalized data contract. In T&T, both the sellers and the buyers are obliged to identify themselves as real-world industry-related firms in case of mischief. We request sellers to freely upload the information on their goods that is going to ship in the feature. Buyers may search their expected products on this platform, together with the seller's reputation, and can purchase via external websites. When the transaction is been confirmed by both sides and is uploaded to the chain, the buyers may score the reputation of the seller based on this transaction. The score is calculated with weights. However, this may mislead the consumers because secret deals and forging reputations are still inevitable.
We designed the third party role in this platform to cope with this problem. In T&T, not only the sellers can provide information on their future products, but also independent third-parties can make predictions on these products based on their information. Their roles are more like auditors or judges. Although we do not enforce the third parties to provide their real names, they still can choose to verify their identity to win believabilities. The third parties can be delivery companies, consulting companies, and even an independent data analyzer. What matters is their confidence in their data. The third parties also have their reputations, which come from the buyers of their data. The price they offer is determined by the market~~: when these third parties can give precise predictions on some industries or companies, they will get higher reputation score and is more welcome among the buyers, which enables them to benefit more from the predictive data they sell.~~ Irresponsible third parties will die out after several faulty predictions because of their low reputations.
The core of this mechanism is to correct the non-honest quotes from sellers by introducing the third parties. The third parties, playing the role as arbitrageurs, arbitrage on the unbalanced information of the two parties. When the sellers give unreal quotes, some third parties possessing real informations may give more precise quotes. After the transaction is complete, both sides will rate each other according to the feedback of real situations. The mandotary real-name registration and the traceability of on-chain records ensures sellers consider thoughtfully before sending forged informations, since any information a seller uploads may affect his/her reputation. While due to the anonymities of the third parties, anyone can enter this market to sell their informations freely without the potential being threatened. The perfect competitive market will eliminate the third parties that falsify informations and keeps the parties gives valuable informations. As the anonymous third parties acting as auditors, the sellers will have to provide real quotes to maintain their reputations. In ideal cases, the market will become more transparent and fair, and the third-party auditors, playing as the arbitrageurs in the financial market, will eliminate with the formation of the balance between sellers' and buyers' informations in the supply-chain market.